Membership at the Mongan Institute
There are 4 categories of membership at the Mongan Institute (MI), Core, Affiliate, Trainee/Fellow, and Senior Staff, each with varying degrees of responsibilities and benefits. Applications are required for Core, Affiliate and Trainee/Fellow memberships. All MI membership will be renewed annually, dependent on whether member responsibilities are fulfilled in prior year. These renewals and new member applications will be reviewed and approved by the Mongan Institute Membership Committee.
Membership at the Mongan Institute provides resources and benefits for researchers at all stages of their career in addition to those provided by individual Mongan research centers or units. There are two tiers of benefits: Core benefits and Affiliate benefits. While all members have access to Affiliate benefits, access to Core benefits depend on membership category. Core benefits are actively being developed and increased to support key activities of Core members and include existing benefits established in Phase 1 of the Mongan Institute’s development. These will be followed by additional benefits (Phase 2) including the initial list described below.
Membership Categories, Eligibility, and Responsibilities​
Membership Benefits​
Core Benefits for Phase 1:
Space: Access to conference rooms and swing space as available.
Poster printing support: Mongan Institute will cover the cost of printing of posters with a Mongan
Institute logo. This is a set budget allowing for funding of a limited number of 3’ by 4’ or 2’ by 3’
posters each year (application based).
Limited grant preparation assistance, table and figure development, and proofing: Mongan Institute
will fund 3 hours of graphic design assistance for 10 investigators per year (application based).
Grant pre-reviews: Available for K awards, R-level grants, and summary statements. K reviews will
continue current format ~5 weeks before each NIH deadline. Format of sessions for R-level grants and
summary statements TBD.
Review of planned presentations: Including posters, oral abstracts, and longer talks.
Limited biostatistics consultation: Available for early career/junior investigators.
Selected consultation for research administration, academic development, recruitment, and cross-
center collaborative initiatives.
Internal and external communications of member accomplishments and research activities through
the Mongan Institute website, weekly newsletter, monthly updates and other venues.
Representation and advocacy for faculty interests and priorities at MGH and MGB research leadership
committees and governance bodies.
Core Benefits in Development for Phase 2:
Assistance with database development. Details TBD.
Access to curated Mongan Institute datasets. Details TBD.
Limited additional data analytic support for early career/junior investigators
Eligibility for future Mongan-wide initiatives requiring investment (e.g. pilot study funding, additional
administrative support, cross institute academic programs etc.)
Affiliate Benefits:
Participation in Mongan-wide workshops, seminars, and symposia (e.g., Research in Progress, Seminars, Mongan speaker events and lectures, etc.)
Facilitated opportunities for research collaborations
Participation in research center or unit-specific seminars and activities as approved by center/unit
director or delegated lead.
Apply Now
To apply for membership at the Mongan Institute, please download and complete the appropriate application and submit it via email to, following the instructions in the application. Applications will be reviewed quarterly.